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Sundays, 10:00am & 11:00am 

We gather together on Sunday mornings at 10:00am and 11:00am to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. During the 10:00am Bible Education hour, the church breaks up into smaller groups by age and/or topic. At 11:00am, the church reconvenes for the main worship service and the preaching of the Word of God. Childcare is provided during both services.


Typically during the summer months, Family Bible Education hour begins at 9:45am, and everyone gathers together in the main auditorium for the service instead of splitting up into various groups. Childcare is still provided during this service.


On the first Sunday of each month, we remember Christ's atoning work on the cross by participating in communion during the main worship service. Born-again believers are welcome to participate.


We usually hold a monthly fellowship potluck following the main service on the first Sunday of each month, but during COVID-19 restrictions we are waiting to resume our fellowship meals. When we resume, visitors are welcome to stay and need not bring anything, or otherwise contribute to, the potluck.

Wednesdays 7:00pm

We also gather together on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm for our Families-4-Truth ministry.  Families enjoy our songs, Bible trivia, missionary moment, evangelism tips, and our Bible Lessons.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

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